How to Write Kinder Copy

| Ethical Marketing

Looking for some tips on how to write kinder copy? When we think of copy, we think of the language businesses use to inform potential customers and clients of their offerings or services and drive them to take some kind of action – typically with an intense sense of urgency.

“You NEED this…”

“Enroll Now!”

“Get It Before It’s Gone!”

More often than not, this level of urgency leaves  prospects feeling pressured, rushed, and even uncomfortable about their buying decision, and that is not how we want our clients to feel when working with us. 

While some ideal clients may succumb to these icky tactics, there’s a good chance they don’t feel  good about it, and may come to question their decision, default on their payment, or ask for a refund later on because they made a rushed decision that wasn’t right for them. 

Sure, you want to rack up the emails on your list and you want to make that sale- but at what cost to your potential client? The way we speak to clients, position ourselves as leaders, and sell our products and services matters

Today we’re breaking down the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of writing kinder copy so you can appeal to your clients in a way that feels good for both of you. 

The “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of Kind Copy

Don’t: Make assumptions about your reader.

Not every ideal client is going to come to you with the exact same list of wants and needs. While there may be similarities between these individuals and their needs, it’s highly unlikely that what they need will be identical.

When writing copy, it’s important not to assume that you already know what the reader  is feeling  or what they are looking to gain from working with you. Yes, you know exactly what you offer, but you don’t truly know how your support will impact them until they tell you.

How to Write Kinder Copy

In your copy, this may look like: 

“You definitely are feeling…”

“I know you need…”

“My product/service is exactly what you need…”

Do: Play to their potential.

When we stop making assumptions about our prospects, we can create space for them to envision all the possibilities that working with you can bring.

This also allows prospects to feel like you’re leading them to make an informed decision about their feelings or needs versus telling them how they should feel or what they need. 

How to Write Kinder Copy

In your copy, this could look like using words such as:

  • Maybe
  • Perhaps
  • Might
  • Probably
  • Possibly

Or, it may look like posing questions to your reader in a way that gives them time and space to think:

“Does this sound like you…?”

“Do you struggle with…?”

“Are you ready to…?”

Don’t: Gut punch your reader.

There’s something to be said about being direct about who you are, what you do, and how you can help people; however, there is a difference between being direct and hitting your reader over the head with your deadlines and ultimatums. 

This especially comes into play when you’re promoting a launch or sale. Eventually, your sale or enrollment window is going to close but pressuring your reader or client with a ticking clock is not the way to get them to feel comfortable investing in your offer.

In conjunction with making assumptions in your copy, be wary of gut punching your reader with language like:

“You NEED this product/service…”

“Enroll TODAY before this sale/enrollment period is gone FOREVER…”

Act fast!”

What are you waiting for?!”

Do: Talk to your reader how you would want to be spoken to.

No one likes to be pressured or rushed, not even you! So why put your ideal clients and readers through the feelings that arise under those conditions? Not only is it not effective, it’s just not necessary! Despite what all these big boss babes out there might have told you, playing to that icky side of sales and marketing is not the way to get readers on your side.

How to Write Kinder Copy

Instead, get them on your side by:

  • Talking to your readers like you’d talk to your friends or family. You’re not going to pressure grandma into buying something from you – especially if it’s something she can’t afford or doesn’t need, she’s just going to want to because she loves you and wants to support you. The same goes for your reader!
  • Explaining how you can help them by walking them through what you do without all the bells and whistles. If you’re straight and to the point, you’re not going to give them any distractions, keeping you the main attraction!
  • Present them with concrete evidence of how you’ve helped people before by including reliable testimonials in your marketing.

Don’t: Assume that the reader already knows how to get to their destination.

It’s possible that clients are going to find you without even knowing exactly what outcome they are trying to achieve by seeking out your services. It’s your job to walk them through your process and help them see that light at the end of the tunnel. 

What’s that saying? “It’s not about the destination, but the journey.” The same principle applies in your copy! It’s not about selling, selling, selling. No one is going to buy if they don’t understand how investing in what you’re offering can help them from the moment they invest until the end of their time working with you. 

Do: Be their guide!

Guidance is one of the leading principles of The Marketing Roadmap ™. If someone tells you they are hungry, it’s not enough to just say “go to McDonald’s.” You can’t assume they know how to get to the McDonald’s you’re referring to! You have to tell them to plug it into their GPS, tell them which address to select, and make sure they know the step by step directions that will lead them to that McFlurry.

Guide your reader through your offer from start to finish. You don’t have to lay out every little detail painstakingly- but providing your prospects with a progression of how to work with you, how the offer can support them, and what possibilities are available to them after the project is complete can be the difference between a confused prospect and a confident new client.

Are you interested in creating kinder copy for your business? Download my service guide to learn how we can work together to create ethical, trauma-informed, and of course, kind copy to fill your pipeline with clients you’ll love. 

Hey I’m Haley!

Your market-research-lovin’, copywriting-obsessed, data-driven marketer here to join you on the adventure of a lifetime – running a values-forward business with marketing you can be proud of and a customer journey that knocks your people’s socks off. What’s not to love about that?

digital marketing consultant

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