A Quick and Dirty Guide to Quizzes

| Opt-ins, Podcast

If you’re looking for a quick and dirty guide to quizzes- we’ve got your back! Today, I’m giving you a quick and dirty guide to quizzes! More importantly, how quizzes can function as an amazing lead magnet for your business.

A Quick and Dirty Guide to Quizzes: Intro

Quizzes are everywhere right now, from picking out a bra from a brand like Third Love to discovering your parenting style from a parenting coach, to complex industry specific quizzes for b2b brands. 

It’s no wonder that everyone is using quizzes these days either. They’re fun to make, fast to take, and double as sneaky market research on top of getting you those valuable email addresses. 

All fun aside, there are alot of logistics to figure out when it comes to creating your quiz and follow-up email sequence. Let’s break down to help you create the perfect quiz for your business!

First Steps in Creating Your Quiz

The first step in creating your quiz is deciding if your ideal client and audience would find a quiz to be an attractive lead magnet. There’s a wide range of industries and offers for which a quiz can function as a great lead magnet. It’s still important to ask yourself if you’re in one of those industries and if your ideal client would be attracted to a quiz.

People who are interested in taking a quiz are generally looking for a nudge in the right direction. The ideal quiz taker knows they have a problem but don’t have enough insight to find a solution on their own. 

If this resonates with you and what you know about your clients- great! A quiz could be a great next step for you. If this doesn’t sound like your ideal client, you may need a little more assistance in building your quiz funnel.

Once we know WHO we want to attract and feel confident in this approach, it’s time to think about the quiz itself.

Before you dive straight in let’s work backwards.

Start with the Results

Think about the goal of your ideal quiz taker. Are they trying to choose between different offers you provide? Choosing between the different levels of support available to them? Or are they simply looking to learn more about themselves?


When creating a funnel, we typically start at the top of the funnel and work down to the point of sale. With a quiz funnel, I personally tend to do the opposite. To use my own quiz funnel as an example: My quiz takers are generally thinking about the Marketing Roadmap in my business and the opt-in offer to come out of my quiz. I created an opt-in that helps them discover what opt-in would help them best support their ideal client. 

This helps quiz takers learn more about the next steps they need to take and allows me to create nurture content based on what their results say about their business.

Support Needed

On the flip side, I could ignore the opt-in they are trying to create and focus on the support they need. Instead of asking questions about the goals of their ideal clients, services they provide, or questions they get from prospects, I could ask about things like budget, capacity for implementation, or bandwidth for learning and acting upon new skills.

The goal of the quiz has a major impact on the type of quiz it is going to be. That’s why it is extremely important to think about the end results of the quiz before the fun parts.

Learning More About Themselves

Finally, there is the type of quiz targeting the quiz taker who wants to learn more about themselves before diving in, but the service being offered to them isn’t changing.

A great example of this is the quiz funnel I created for a client recently that asks, “What is your parenting style?”

By positioning the big question this quiz is asking in this way, it’s proving that it is non judgemental. It asks the quiz taker if they know what their parenting style is and if not, they can take the quiz and learn more. This is helping the quiz builder create a trusting relationship with their lead, let them know they aren’t alone in their struggle or questions, and helps them optimize their skills in a non judgemental way.

The Email Sequence 

There is no right or wrong way to build a quiz- what’s important is what happens after you’re created the quiz aka the email funnel sequence that nurtures your quiz taker.

You’ve got a few different ways you can go about gathering emails and leads.

  • You can offer results to your quiz without requiring the quiz taker to provide an email address
  • You can require your quiz taker to enter an email before providing their results 

How you choose to go about this is entirely up to you. Typically, if people are only subscribing to get their results, it is more than likely that they’ll become an unengaged subscriber, unsubscribe after getting their results, or hurt the health of your list by being unengaged.

Without an email, you could send them their results and a few sentences elaborating on them. With an email, you could provide them with a preview of what is to come as part of your email list or even send them an additional resource that provides more info on their results.

If you’re clear on what they can expect from you going forward, they will feel confident in providing an email and permanently becoming part of your crew.

Quiz Nurture Sequence

Once your quiz has been taken, it’s time to engage your quiz taker in a post-quiz nurture sequence. It’s a great idea for your emails to be a combo of customized info based on their quiz results and a generic welcome sequence. This allows new subscribers to learn more about their results, you as a business owner, and how they can get support from you.

Typically, I recommend this sequence be comprised of 5 emails:

  • Results Delivery
  • Intro
  • Value Add
  • Up Sell
  • Info Dump

Results Delivery

Your result delivery email can be as simple as a copy/paste of their results with a brief explanation, or can dive deeper into their results with additional insight they didn’t get with their results. This email can also point to relevant blog posts, podcast episodes, or other forms of free content to keep them engaged. 


Your intro is your digital elevator pitch with a few fun extras. This email should tell the quiz taker who you are, who you help, and why staying on your list is a good idea for their development. You can (and should) include fun facts, your favorite things, or cute pics of your dog. Build a human connection with your audience!

Value Add

This is where you can tell your reader something about their results that isn’t already available on your website. It can be a bit from a course you offer, a sneak peek of a template you sell, or maybe a link to a low cost offer of yours with a discount code.

The goal here is not to generate a sale, but show readers what kind of value they can expect from you as a business owner. This isn’t meant to be a sale sequence, you’re just giving them the option to buy. It shouldn’t be an expectation- the only expectation should be for you to provide value!


Your upsell email can guide readers to a low cost or mid ticket offer. This email can be a bit more sales driven and point to an offer that is still an easy ‘yes.’

This could look like anything from courses, paid consult calls, or evergreen workshops. These all work well because you’ve proven your value. Then, the reader can feel good about taking the next steps without making a 4-figure investment.

Info Dump

Info dump definitely doesn’t mean throw everything but the kitchen sink into your email and press send. You want to show your reader what they can expect from you once this sequence is over. Recap what they’ve received from you so far. Remind them of ways they can connect with you and what they can learn.

Let them know how often they can expect to hear from you and in what context! This will guide the reader from the end of your sequence right into your regular email delivery.

Now that you’ve got my quick and dirty guide to quizzes, head to haleyejohnson.com/quiz. You can take my quiz and uncover the opt-in that would best benefit your audience. P.S. You’ll get more insight in an email!

Hey I’m Haley!

Your market-research-lovin’, copywriting-obsessed, data-driven marketer here to join you on the adventure of a lifetime – running a values-forward business with marketing you can be proud of and a customer journey that knocks your people’s socks off. What’s not to love about that?

digital marketing consultant

Take the Quiz

Find Your Next Opt In.

It’s no secret that your email list is gold in the online business world, but when it comes to growing it? There’s more method to the madness than throwing together a quick PDF and calling it a day.

Take the quiz to uncover which type of opt-in is the right fit for your ideal clients at their stage in the customer journey. When you’re done, I’ll even send ya some tips to get started.

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