5 Tips to Sell Without Feeling Sleazy

| Ethical Marketing

How many times have your scrolled through your social media feeds and seen a business owner selling their product or service to their audience and it left you feeling…kind of gross? Maybe it was their language, maybe it was their sales tactics, but ultimately, their pitch left you feeling uncertain of working with them because of their approach. It’s what we all aim to avoid in our marketing and copy, but figuring out how to sell without feeling salesy is a delicate art. Here are 5 tips to sell without feeling sleazy to help you start to improve the way you sell what you’ve got to offer!

Make A Connection First

Look at selling like dating. Before you can expect someone to dive into a relationship with you, you have to get to know them first! You have to establish a connection, go on a few dates, continue to learn each other’s wants and needs, and then you can talk about the potential of a relationship.

Selling is no different! Before you can expect someone to invest their time, money, and energy in working with you, you have to connect with them on a deeper level. If you take the time to foster relationships with your potential clients by listening to them and understanding their needs, when the time does come to sell you will both feel like process is less awkward or business-y!

Understand the Principles of Sales Psychology

Understanding the 6 key principles of sales psychology can help tremendously in building your confidence to sell! If you’re looking to learn more about the 6 key principles of sales psychology themselves, check out this blog post!

Once you gain a deeper understanding of these principles, their presence in the world of sales will start to become evident. You’ll be able to notice these principles at play and decide which ones are working, which ones are not, and which ones may or may not work well in your own selling process.

Break Down Your Copy According to These Principles

Take a good, hard look at your copy in relation to the 6 principles of sales psychology! Ask yourself which principles your tactics are closely related to. What about it doesn’t feel right? Is there a way to pivot your copy in another direction? Do you maybe not want to focus on that principle at all? There is no prescribed way to sell according to these principles, so if it feels wrong- don’t do it!

Flip the Script

Playing off of that last point, don’t employ any sales tactics that don’t feel right to YOU. Despite what the gurus might try to tell you, there is no right or wrong way to employ good sales tactics. You know what you see out there and when it feels wrong, therefore, you should avoid that no matter what any source tells you. If you know you wouldn’t feel great seeing or reading something, you know not to take that route yourself.

Sell the Journey

People tend to purchase something when they know it brings them gratification. You buy food because you know you’ll feel full and happy after you eat it, you buy that skincare product because it makes your skin feel dreamy, you bought that subscription because you know what it provides will bring you entertainment.

When it comes to selling your product or service, it’s important to show potential clients the journey you can take them on if they invest their time, energy, and more in what it is you have to offer. If you can concretely demonstrate how you’ve helped others grow in the past, potential clients may be able to envision themselves going on that journey. Ultimately, if they can see themselves on that path and want to grow with you as their guide- THAT is when the sales magic will happen!

If you’re looking for some help in the copy department, go ahead and put in your email to check out my service guide to see if any of my offerings might be right for you! It’s never too late to whip up come copy that makes you and your clients feel supported and confident!

Hey I’m Haley!

Your market-research-lovin’, copywriting-obsessed, data-driven marketer here to join you on the adventure of a lifetime – running a values-forward business with marketing you can be proud of and a customer journey that knocks your people’s socks off. What’s not to love about that?

digital marketing consultant

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