How to Leverage LinkedIn As An Extrovert

| Customer Journey

Diving head first into the world of LinkedIn is the hardest part about getting started on the platform. If you’ve taken the leap and are wanting to get your feet wet on LinkedIn, chances are good that you might consider yourself an extrovert, or at least an extroverted introvert, when it comes to your business. You’ve showed up, you’re eager and ready, and now it’s time to learn how to leverage LinkedIn as an extrovert!

Extroverts may not find the prospect of getting started on yet another new social media platform as daunting as an introvert might, but the process is much more nuanced than getting on, filling in the blanks, and showing up on people’s feeds. Let’s dive in and cover some ways you can get the most out of your LinkedIn experience without coming on toostrong that it’s sleazy.

Attract with Your Content

Creating meaningful content to share on any social platform is probably super exciting for you, extrovert, but it’s especially useful on LinkedIn! Content creation is a simple way to connect with a broader audience and impact more people in a stress-free way than maybe doing one-on-one calls all the time or simply waiting for people to come find you and hoping for the best. 

In short- show up! If you’re audience sees you sharing content that’s personal, fun, and full of immense value, they are going to want to learn what you’re all about and how you can help them achieve what they’re seeking. You truly never know what will resonate, so don’t hold back and be authentically you!

Engage, Extrovert!

Fun fact: LinkedIn loves engagement. Engaging with other people’s content might even be more likely to get your name out there than creating your own content! If you create content, LinkedIn will push it out to your network in their feed. When your connections like, comment or share that content, LinkedIn will show their network your content. The same goes for their connections, and so on and so on.

What this means is that your content has a broader reach that is directly impacted by how engaging it is and has a longer lifespan- as long as the post continues to reach new users who engage with it. Being an active member of your network is going to pay off in the long run!

Nurture Your Network

You’ve made the content, you’ve engaged with other people’s content, now it’s time to really nurture the connections that you’re making on LinkedIn. Even though you may be really ready and apt to slide right into people’s messages, it’s important to remember the difference between nurturing a connection and being sleazy or salesy.

At this point, it’s ok to send messages to connections you’ve made or people you’re actively engaging with. Make sure these messages are really personal! Keep them short and sweet and don’t automatically launch into selling yourself or your services.

Your confidence is one of your most amazing attributes, but it’s also important to remember to keep it in check. You don’t want to scare off any potential introverts who may be looking to work with you in the future. Keep you approach light and sales free until the connection feels established enough to go there.

Go Beyond Your Network

LinkedIn’s search engine may be one of the most unique search engines out there. For that reason, it’s really going to help you broaden your network and opportunities. With it’s highly optimized search function, LinkedIn lets users search by things like job title, industry keywords, and more. Google could never! 

This gives you the opportunity to build solid relationships with people in similar or adjacent industries. These could be potential referral partners or have other PR opportunities for you. Additionally, you can use LinkedIn to connect with old classmates or colleagues who can vouch for your skills. Maybe they’ll even recommend you to their own network. You never know where that high school acquaintance ended up!

Feeling a little stuck on whether or not you’d consider yourself extroverted or introverted in your lead gen approach? Take my quiz to discover your lead gen archetype and then come back to compare and contrast your results to this post! Or if you feel totally ready to get started in your ethical marketing journey schedule a chat with me to get a vibe on how I can help you and your business!

Hey I’m Haley!

Your market-research-lovin’, copywriting-obsessed, data-driven marketer here to join you on the adventure of a lifetime – running a values-forward business with marketing you can be proud of and a customer journey that knocks your people’s socks off. What’s not to love about that?

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